Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Starting the day

This morning after breakfast, as usual, we went out for a walk before it gets to hot. On our way out we met one of our neighbours who was going to take her older daughter to school with her two-year-old boy in the selendang. She invited us to join and we promptly accepted! The school is in an adjacent compound, with narrower streets, no cars get in. Only people and motorbikes. So we followed her in her peaceful and quiet pace and sometimes she would explain some things which we believe we could understand, at least some words. The houses seemed smaller and closer together, but colourful and clean as usual. Smiling people at the doors, hanging laundry, selling vegetables, other mothers taking children to school. Schools start early in the morning, around 7h30 even sooner for older children. People were busy with their lives but even so there was a peaceful silence. What a bless walk! After dropping her daughter at school she offered to take us back home by another route. The same peaceful pace and silence. This time there were fewer houses and more vegetation. Fishing ponds. Banana trees... all so beautiful! On our way home we found another neighbour who was buying tofu to a street vendor. We misunderstood each other and in the end she bought some tofu for us. When we arrived to the entrance of the school compound our 'guide' went back to the school and we went back home. Terima kasih (thanks)! People here are very friendly and with a very open smile. We feel so welcome and protected by this community. Back home our host pak Budhi explained us that stay-at-home mothers usually stay with the other mothers by the schools of their children (the little ones at least). School finishes around 10h or 11h, for little ones. They stay there talking to each other, sharing any problem they may have. Sometimes they get together in one's mother house to cook together or some other activity. Stay-at-home mothers here are really supported. We also asked if we should go and pay the tofu to the other neighbour and he said yes, but not with money. Maybe we could offer some food also, then the 'transaction' is richer. Money don't get people together, don't make them interact further. So next time we'll have some offers to make. Gladly!
We took some pictures of this wonderful mindful walk that we'll share in a later post. Terima kasih to everyone.


  1. Olá querida Cris!!

    Estive hoje a actualizar a leitura do blog e dei de caras com um bichinho esfomeado, sabes como não resisto a umas dilatadas e brilhantes pupilas, hehehe...

    Acho fantástico o que fazem as "stay-at-home mothers" por aí, pois é exactamente um dos desafios obrigatórios do nosso mundo "moderno" que me tem feito magicar soluções, o flagelo do isolamento das mães e de como a sociedade urbana não sabe acolher a maternidade/paternidade, arriscando a implosão de afectos e projectos de vida.
    Aliás, podes ver um dos blogues que estive a ler esta semana a propósito disso (a coincidência é incrível!):

    E desculpa-me se tenho andado ausente de notícias e emails, ultimamente sinto a voragem dos dias e tarefas e continuo à procura de um reequilíbrio.
    Mas daqui seguem dois abraços fortes e enérgicos, para toda a família!!
    Obrigada pelos teus deliciosos posts! Será que dava para vermos todas as fotografias em formato maior?
    Estes fãs são sempre tão exigentes... ;)

  2. Ola Sara Amiga!!
    As pupilas dilatadas nao foram escolhidas ao acaso, hehehe.
    Como o mundo e pequeno. Ha uns meses atras fiquei a saber da casa das maes atraves de uma portuguesa que participa num forum international que pelo que percebi tambem esta envolvida nesse projecto. Nessa altura o projecto ainda estava em concepcao.
    Pois e', este tema ainda parece marginal na nossa sociedade pois parece que nao e' reconhecida a sua importancia. Enfim nao cabe neste comentario discorrer sobre o tema.
    Esta tudo bem Sara. Aguardo pacientemente pelas tuas novas, sei que ainda nao chegaram pois outras tarefas urgem. Um abraco forte e reequilibrante.
    Quanto as fotos estou a tratar de outras solucoes... mas tudo a seu tempo.
    beijos de amizade
