We're back to Bogor for some days now. Everything went OK in Singapore, which is a very different country compared to Indonesia. We went there for our visa was about to expire and that was the easier way. Our permanent visa is taking longer than expected. Back 'home' we just dove into Ramadan, which has started the 1st of August this year. Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar and also the month of fasting. Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, no food nor drink.
So since we arrived we've been experiencing how Ramadan is lived at least here in our neighbourhood. Muslims are encouraged to read the Qur'an so in the evening by the time of the last prayer of the day the recitations are longer on the speakers. Sometimes I've the feeling they go all night long. Around 2 am or 3 am (I cannot precise) someone passes in the streets singing and playing drums for people to wake up and start preparing breakfast (I believe I never payed attention to this word: break-fast!! The evening fast.) which is before sunrise. At dinner, just after sunset when finally Muslims can eat and drink again, they start the meal with dates (like the prophet Muhammad) and nata de coco which I came to appreciate a lot. Nata de coco is a fermented of coconut cream and it looks like coconut jelly but maybe a bit harder.
We're not fasting but I am trying to eat less and to fast from not so positive thoughts and feelings to help redirect my heart away from worldly activities, cleanse my inner soul and free it from harm (in source).
I cannot help myself from sharing what is in my heart today. I've learned that a dear friend of mine is gone. I received this news with some commotion in me though I knew she was ill for quite a while now. So today like in some other days she has been in my thoughts. I've very fond memories of her that I shall keep forever. I just wonder how it will feel like when one day I'll return to Portugal and she won't be there anymore. Today I celebrate her life and having met her. Thank you. May you rest in peace, dear Trisha.
As-Salamu Alaykum everyone (Peace be upon you)
dear Cris, thank you for this example how to celebrate the friendship and closeness. Warm hug!